Yoga, barre and mindfulness meditation can be beneficial for everyone. However, it is up to the individual to take responsibility for their own physical and mental practice. It is better to build up slowly than to force and strain oneself – this applies to both physical and mental ‘exercise’. While Natalie Perry is a qualified yoga, mindfulness and barre instructor with extensive experience of teaching, she is not a medical or mental health professional. The services offered by Natalie Perry do not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. They are designed to support, not replace medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment or therapy and Natalie Perry assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing the techniques and suggestions offered online, or in face-to-face sessions. Before beginning any new exercise program, please consult a licensed health care professional. This is especially important if: you have any health concerns (physical or mental); you have a pre-existing health condition/injury; you have recently had surgery or medical treatment; you are under the age of 16; you are pregnant.