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Wellbeing at Work

In 2020:


  • 79% of adult employees commonly experienced work-related stress

  • 51% of all work-related ill health cases were caused by stress, depression and anxiety

  • 55% of all working days lost were due to work-related ill health

Sources: and


The statistics around stress at work are pretty shocking and given the last year we’ve had, it's more important than ever to offer wellbeing support to individuals and teams within our organisations.


Your corporate wellbeing offer doesn’t have to be complicated or complex – in fact, the simpler the better, since the healthiest employees are those that take ownership of their own wellbeing practices.  And whilst most people don’t have time (or frankly, the inclination) to take a 4-day retreat or practice an hour of yoga every day before work, many people do want to know how to manage stress, alleviate anxiety, sleep better, ease aches and pains, increase focus or feel less lethargic. 


It’s good to know, then, that there are techniques out there that can improve our health on a daily basis yet are quick to learn, easy to remember and can be practised almost anywhere – desk, train, car, sofa…what works best when it comes to improving and managing wellbeing is finding what works best for each individual and taking many short moments, rather than cramming it all into one big fix


The programmes and sessions we offer for individuals and teams at work are simple, tailored, safe and effective. With a mix of breathing techniques, mindfulness, movement and relaxation, results can be noticed immediately, giving people the confidence they need to bring healthful moments into every day.


Find out more about our corporate wellbeing offers:




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"As a Manager of a remote workforce, we decided that we needed a regular session, while we are all working from home to help with stress relief, productivity, motivation and general wellbeing. The sessions have been well received with a core of regular attendees. Natalie has covered breathing techniques, movement and stretching, mindfulness. After every session, every week, I receive messages of how Natalie's sessions are so helpful and much appreciated and how they make a difference to the day."

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